Importing or Exporting a Large Number of Monitors Using a Json or CSV Text File

Home Support Managing Services Importing or Exporting a Large Number of Monitors Using a Json or CSV Text File

Note: Only available in the web client, under Add Services and Add Monitors you can Import/Export (options are at the bottom of the drop-downs).

  1. Export – If you are inside a folder, export will only show things from inside that folder…you then can pick what from inside the folder to export. Additionally, when exporting, you have the option of maintaining a sub-folder structure, or flattening the exported list.
  2. Import – if you are inside a folder, you are importing into that folder. After selecting a file (that you generated by doing an export), you can still pick what from that file to import

Documentation for Import/Export CSV file:

  • HOSTNAME or URL to monitor
  • TYPE of monitor: ping, http, windows, snmp,
  • DISPLAYNAME: optional display name of the monitor
  • AGENT: name of the Enterprise server to connect to, blank for monitor from Internet

If the TYPE=windows then the following parameters are required:

  • AUTH name to use, from keychain either a name or login
  • METRIC: CPU,Disk Space,Memory,Service

If the METRIC is Disk Space then the following:

  • DRIVE:  C: or D:

If the METRIC is Service then the following:

  • SERVICENAME: for example printspooler

Followed by:

  • FAILURE: Value at which the monitor will cause a failure, for example 70 for 70% cpu, or 200 for 200ms ping.

Followed by repeating values for notifications:

  • METHOD: one of either email,sms,ios,android
  • USER:  email address username of the user to notify

For example a typical line in the CSV file would look like:


Example cvs lines:,ping,Ping to Subway,MYNETWORK,500,sms,
DC1,windows,Domain Controller,MYNETWORK,Administrator,CPU,50,email,,http,Google Website,,200,ios,

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